Acupuncture Works is a Acupuncture Clinic that comes to you. We offer mobile and Home visits for your convinience.
Acupuncture Works is a Acupuncture Clinic that comes to you. We offer mobile and Home visits for your convenience. Sheila Miller uses Traditional Oriental Medicine & natural health advice to help better your overall health and wellness. Check out more to see how you might benefit from trying this 5000 year old medicine.
balance... is the way of life.
Eastern Medicine is ancient and yet offers so many benefits into today's health and wellness needs. The list is long: from chronic stress, mental health, pain of all kinds, to prevention of or post operative surgery care. It also includes; gently crafted herbal formulas, nutrition and lifestyle guidance. We offer cupping (good for musculoskeletal/ fascia/ post injury pain/ loss of range of motion therapy), Infrared mat therapy for weight loss, metabolism, hormonal balance. We are excited to also offer Cosmetic Acupuncture Packages. These treatments are a natural alternative, without using major surgeries, invasive procedures or toxins. The potential of cosmetic acupuncture has been overlooked but is starting to grow in demand due to its wonderful and natural benefits for those wanting to look their best and feel beautiful without having invasive or unnatural methods.
Sheila Miller has been using Chinese Medicine to help the healing process for patients for over 15 years and is ready to answer any questions before you decide to start treatment.